Man I’m pumped about this one! This is my new custom long range precision rifle and also my first ever .338 Lapua Magnum build. So what is it? Here we go, Alamo Precision Rifles put together a 26″ Bartlein MTU barrel with AAC 90T muzzle brake and Defiance Rukus Tactical action. They also installed the awesome Trigger Tech Diamond 2-stage trigger. APR also went ahead and cerakoted the assembly in FDE. Once I received it, I dropped it into my Accuracy International AICS AX chassis. I’m using a WieBad Gear cheek piece, B&T Atlas Bipod, and short action precision 2 round holder. Optic setup is the amazing Vortex Razor HD II 4.5-27×56 with Horus H59 reticle & Vortex Precision Matched 34mm rings. Lastly, I’m using the US Optics side folder bubble leveler. And that’s the build! In this video we go through it and stretch it out to 2,000 yards with Hornady 285gr ELD-M. Really looking forward to getting my suppressor so we can go again but more “quietly.” Here are some applicable links to the build:
Vorte Razor HD II:
Vortex Rings/Mount:
US Optics Bubble Level:
Atlas Bipod:
Pelican Vault V800 Hard Case:
For anything purchased on Optics Planet, use the code “texasplinking” at checkout and save 5%.

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