I don’t know why it took me so long to review a Desert Tech but here we finally are. This is my new Desert Tech SRS A2 with 26″ 6.5 Creedmoor conversion kit. As you can see from the footage, this thing just shoots lights out! Paired with my Vortex Razor HD II 4.5-27X56 w/ H59 reticle & Spuhr mount, there are zero excuses. Just a sweet rig. Makes me want a black HTI in .50 BMG but that might have to wait just a bit. I want to get some more SRS content but with match ammo & suppressed but I am almost out of 6.5 ammo unfortunately. As soon as I get some more I’ll get rolling on additional SRS footage. Thanks for watching!
Also, I’m trying to grow the Instagram so please do check me out there! (@)texasplinking

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