In this video I show y’all my newest long range build but specially talk about the Arken Optics EP-4 and why it just might be the best long range precision scope for under $1,000. ($549 to be exact). Get yours by clicking here: Use code “texasplinking” to get free shipping AND to be automatically entered in a monthly Arken scope giveaway! Here are a few impressive specs on this scope: 4-16×50, FFP with an awesome reticle, 34mm tube, zero stop, ED glass, lifetime warranty, precision tracking, .50 BMG rated, and all for $549. I’ve been running it on my Remington 700 AAC-SD 22″ 6.5 Creedmoor build in my AICS 1.5 chassis and it’s been a dream! Here’s a link to the Atlas bipod I was talking about: It’s pricy but if you can justify it I say get it. Easily the best bipod I’ve ever used! Thanks for watching! Feel free to check me out on Insta: @texasplinking My camera equipment:
Sony A7iii:
Nikon P900:
Sony 16-35/2.8 GM:
Sony 24-105/4 G:
Rode Video Mic Pro+:

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