In this video, I compare my experiences and share my thoughts on the 6.5 Creedmoor vs the .308 Winchester.
I talk about ballistics, difference in flight, how they group, and how they shoot at long range. (500, 750, & 1,000 yards) As I said, this is purely about my experience with these 2 cartridges on my personal platforms. For this video, I am specifically talking about Hornady American Gunner. The 6.5 CM is represented by the Ruger Precision Rifle with a Sig Sauer Tango4 6-24×50 FFP ( with Vortex Mount ( The .308 is represented by the Savage 10FCP McMillan with Vortex Viper PST ( with VPR rings: ( Thanks for watching! My camera equipment:
Sony A7iii:
Nikon P900:
Sony 16-35/2.8 GM:
Sony 24-105/4 G:
Rode Video Mic Pro+:
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Texas Plinking on Insta: @texasplinking

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