Hey guys, I’ve got a real short video for y’all today. Sometime in December I heard from a viewer that Triple C Range in Cresson, Tx was closing section B of their facility which stretched from 800-2,000 yards. (They still have a section that goes to 200-1,000 yards however.) They were shutting it down starting Jan. 1st 2021 so I went up to get some last bit of shooting in. At least I can say I ended on a good note. My APR custom .338 Lapua was on it that day even with some wild winds and factory ammo. (Details at the end of the video) I also have a full review of this rifle on its own. Link here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7Jwhd4wGBc&t=904s
Hopefully I find another location soon that allows me to stretch to at least 1 mile. Thanks for watching!

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