In this video, I show you what the Ruger Precision Rifle (Gen. 2) chambered in 6.5 Creedmoor can do in the hands of a novice shooter. (Myself) This is only my 2nd time shooting beyond 300 yards. The first time was just to qualify at this range. I shoot 3 different factory ammunition types that I talk more about in the video. My scope of choice for this rifle was a Sig Sauer Tango4 6-24×50 FFP ( with a Vortex 30mm mount ( Camera I use to record my long range shots: As you can see, when I did my part I had absolutely no issues hitting targets at 500 yards. At 750 yards with heavier ammo, I was able to hit small plates even in this wind. 1,000 yards shouldn’t of even been possible considering my shooting experience but to my surprise, I was able to get that gong to ring a quite a few times with my misses being right in there. Expect plenty more videos with this rifle hitting 1K again in the near future. Thanks for watching! My camera equipment:
Sony A7iii:
Nikon P900:
Sony 16-35/2.8 GM:
Sony 24-105/4 G:
Rode Video Mic Pro+:
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