Springfield Armory Echelon – What Is it?
Springfield Armory just added a new polymer frame pistol to their lineup. Not an addition to the XD series, not a full-size Hellcat, but rather a whole new model. It’s called the Echelon. Here’s my honest and quick summarization then I’ll hit y’all with the specs and shooting impressions. I believe the Echelon is Springfield […]
Smith & Wesson M&P 22 Magnum – First Shots & Review
Smith & Wesson M&P 22 Magnum Smith & Wesson just added a new offering to the M&P line and it’s chambered in 22 Magnum. This is the second offering to use the Tempo system, (the first being the M&P 5.7×28) that gives the already tame 22 Magnum even less recoil. Let’s get the quick facts […]
Aero Precision Solus Review
AERO PRECISION SOLUS Aero Precision, you may know them for making quality AR15 and AR10 rifles & components to put together your ideal AR for a very reasonable price. They’re certainly reputable and loved in the 2A community, and for good reason too. When they announced they were getting into the bolt action scene, it […]
Staccato XC 2011 | Does It Make You A Better Shot?
The Staccato XC makes you feel like you are cheating. From elite shooters to everyday range shooters, the Staccato XC will make you a better shooter period. It delivers an incredibly flat and fast shooting experience. The Staccato XC allows even the most novice shooter to hit their mark. I love this gun. Check out […]
Quietest Suppressed Subsonic .308 Sniper Rifle!
I will shoot the quietest suppressed subsonic .308 caliber sniper rifle in this video! The three things that make a gunshot loud is the following: Muzzle blast Action sound Bullet breaking the sound barrier. I will shoot a bolt action suppressed rifle using subsonic .308 caliber ammo in this demonstration. How quiet is it? You […]
Shooting the Raufoss Mk 211 .50 BMG one of the most expensive bullets
I will shoot a couple of the most expensive bullets made in this video. Raufoss Mk 211 .50 BMG at the cost of $65-100 is one of the most costly rounds to shoot. I will also shoot some standard ball rounds as a comparison. The targets will be a bowling ball, cinder block, fruit, books, […]
CZ Bren 2Ms Carbine Rifle Review
The CZ’s Bren 2 Ms carbine is based on the selective-fire 805 Bren that debuted in 2015 and designed to meet the rugged requirements of the Czech military.
My Mom Shoots The Desert Eagle (Deagle) .50 Cal
The largest indoor shooting range

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country.